EPISODE 5 - Rumor, Feature, or Hack?

Full Episode (Click to download)

This week the close friends are calling BS and putting viral rumors to rest once and for all! They’ve said it before, and they’ll say it again, social media “gurus” need to start reading the Instagram terms of service and stop calling features a hack. But what is a hack, really?

Tune in to learn the difference and even discover a few hacks of your own! Come for the truth bombing, stay to witness Manu’s Scorpio side, to hear what Laura and her therapist are talking about these days, and to learn what Steph and your grandmother might have in common. Things are heating up, and you don’t want to miss it!

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EPISODE 6 - Instagram is NOT Your Whole Business...


EPISODE 4 - Vanity Metrics vs. KPIs